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International Trivia Night

The ever-popular International Trivia Night will be held from 6-8 pm Tuesday, April 30, at the Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures. The event will feature 50 questions, with teams of six competing for prizes and bragging rights. Admission is $10 per person, and reservations are required at Partial teams or full six-person teams are welcome with a two-step process. First, team members should make individual reservations. Second, an email with the names of team members must be sent to the Museum’s Outreach Coordinator at Individuals who register without a team will be joined with others on the night of the event. Refreshments, including wine, will be served. Registration closes at 5 pm Friday, April 26. The Global Village Museum is located at 200 West Mountain Avenue, and Museum hours are 11 am to 5 pm Tuesday through Saturday. For more information, visit or call 970-221-4600.

Open post

Earth Day Celebration of Ecotourism

In a salute to Earth Day in April, the Global Adventures club at the Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures is hosting an open house meet-and-greet highlighting ecotourism from 11 am to 5 pm Saturday, April 20, in the Museum’s program room. As defined by The International Ecotourism Society, ecotourism is responsible travel that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people, and involves interpretation and education. Museum members and students from Warner College of Natural Resources at Colorado State University will be available to discuss ecotourism, and handouts and videos will supplement the conversation. The Global Adventures gatherings are designed for those who love to travel, want to recount their travel experiences, delight in sharing stories of travel, and/or dream of traveling one day. Admission to the ecotourism event in the Museum’s program room is free, and refreshments will be served. Museum admission is $5 for adults, $3 for students and seniors, $1 for ages 4-12, and free for ages three and under. The Global Village Museum is located at 200 West Mountain Avenue, and Museum hours are 11 am to 5 pm Tuesday through Saturday. For more information, visit or call 970-221-4600.

Open post

Pack Rats at Heart: The Joys of Collecting

With over 60 years of adventures collecting artifacts, Gary and Carol Ann Hixon will present Pack Rats at Heart: The Joys of Collecting from 1-2:30 pm Saturday, May 4, at the Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures. The Hixons’ collections include Chinese mud men, nativity scenes, angels, purses, dolls, kimonos, chairs, decorative boxes, roosters, shoes, and trinkets from gumball machines. Additions to their collections have come from the many countries they have visited, including England, France, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Denmark, Austria, France, Italy, Turkey, India, Mexico, and Costa Rica. Admission to the presentation is $5 per person, and reservations are requested at Refreshments will be served, and registrants will enjoy free admission to the Museum’s four galleries. In the Museum’s Main Gallery, Collections: Unexpected Treasures showcases a variety of unusual collections, including fossils, combs, rocks, thimbles, Cooper’s tools, scrap metal transformed into artwork, stone axes, masks, barbed wire, music boxes, and African baskets. The Global Village Museum is located at 200 West Mountain Avenue, and Museum hours are 11 am to 5 pm Tuesday through Saturday. For more information, visit or call 970-221-4600.

Open post

Banner Fort Collins Medical Center Bloomin’ Bunny Bash

Join us at Banner Fort Collins Medical Center (4700 Lady Moon Drive) for a Bloomin’ Bunny Bash from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, March 23!
The Banner Easter Bunny will arrive via helicopter at 10 a.m. to kick off the Easter Egg Hunt. Other activities include games, crafts and a photo booth. For adults, Espresso on the Move will be on-site to keep you caffeinated.

Global Adventures — Chinese New Year

The 2024 Chinese New Year on Saturday, Feb. 10, inaugurates the Year of the Dragon. In commemoration of this date, the Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures has arranged a dinner from 5:30-8:30 pm at Hunan Chinese Cuisine, 731 E. Harmony Road in Fort Collins, as part of its Global Adventures club. The evening will include a traditional three-course Chinese New Year’s dinner, non-alcoholic beverages, and dessert. A cash bar will be available. The event will include speakers from China, and participants will share stories of their experiences and travels in China. Reservations are $50/person, and registration is required by Feb. 3 at The Museum’s Global Adventures club is designed for those who love to travel, want to recount their travel experiences, delight in sharing stories of travel, and/or dream of traveling one day. Hosts for the evening are Bonnie Titley, a member of the Museum Board, and Sari Gartner, Luxury Travel Advisor for Outdoor Travel Adventures. The Global Village Museum is located at 200 West Mountain Avenue, and Museum hours are 11 am to 5 pm Tuesday through Saturday. For more information, visit or call 970-221-4600.

Open post

Resplendent Rachmaninoff – Fort Collins Symphony

Our season closes with music that has captivated audiences in concert halls, movie theaters, and figure skating arenas for 123 years: Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2, performed by pianist Zhu Wang and your Fort Collins Symphony. Béla Bartók’s Dance Suite continues the uplifting energy of the evening with a vibrant suite of dances pulsating with rhythm and melody. The concert concludes with the serenity of Johannes Brahms’ Symphony No. 2, a tranquil masterpiece that whispers with songs of nature.

Don’t miss this chance to celebrate a century of music with your Fort Collins Symphony.
“Maestro’s Musings” lecture at 6:30, included with ticket purchase.

Open post

Then & Now: Reel Music – Fort Collins Symphony

Spend an evening immersed in the memorable music of Hollywood’s Silver Screen. From the iconic themes of “007 James Bond” to the epic scores of “Titanic,” “The Avengers,” and “Rocky,” join us for a journey through the music that has defined generations.

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Park Meadows Mall

Park Meadows Mall

About Park Meadows Mall

Park Meadows Mall is Colorado’s biggest shopping mall, located just 5 miles from Denver and 40 minutes from Colorado Springs. It features 185 stores and restaurants, from the largest selection of athletic apparel stores to the best in branded fashion and dining. Enjoy the unique Grand Mountain Lodge architecture and artwork by Colorado artists.

Open post

Collections: Unexpected Treasures

Collections: Unexpected Treasures opens Feb. 2 and runs through May 25 at the Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures. The Main Gallery exhibition will showcase a variety of unusual collections, including combs, rocks, thimbles, Cooper’s tools, scrap metal transformed into artwork, stone axes, arrowheads, local and international masks, barbed wire, music boxes, and African baskets. Pictures of huge trolls, designed by Thomas Dumbo from discarded wood, will highlight what can be created from collected old pallets. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for students and seniors, $1 for ages 4-15, and free for children 3 and under. The Global Village Museum is located at 200 West Mountain Avenue, and Museum hours are 11 am to 5 pm Tuesday through Saturday. For more information, visit or call 970-221-4600.

Open post

Nepal and Himalayan Adventures

Kumar Karakheti, a Fort Collins resident and native of Nepal, will present Nepal and Himalayan Adventures at 6 pm Thursday, Jan. 11, at the Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures. The presentation is part of the Museum’s Global Adventures gatherings. Karakheti, who has trekked 65 times to Everest Base Camp, is the owner and lead guide for Journeys, LLC, a company that specializes in custom expeditions in the Himalayas. The Museum’s gift shop will also have items for purchase from Nepal, including blankets made from the wool of yaks, woolen hats and gloves, scarves, and singing bowls. Reservations are $10/person, and registration is requested at Wine and refreshments will be served, and there will be time for socializing and meeting other travelers. The Global Village Museum is located at 200 West Mountain Avenue, and Museum hours are 11 am to 5 pm Tuesday through Saturday. For more information, visit or call 970-221-4600.

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