Submit Your Guest Posts Request Information

Guest Posts and Backlinking

Guest Posts - Submit Your Article - Backlinking

We appreciate your interest in submitting guest posts to As a niche travel website focusing on Colorado tourism and associated topics, we carefully vet all articles as they must adhere to this niche audience. All published articles are optimized using best SEO practices. reserves the right to edit content for accuracy and best SEO. Backlinks are available via original content at the same price as a Standard Article submission. Please view our complete guidelines. There are two levels of post types:

High-Quality (HQ) Guest Posts - $325

High-quality posts in a specific blog category and include the bundled marketing kit. The bundle includes:

  • A mention in the monthly newsletter.
  • One-time social sharing to FB, Instagram, X, and GMB.
  • A profile listing on
  • Your post remains live and is editable as long as your profile subscription is current.

Standard Guest Posts - $150

Standard posts are held to the same content quality standards as HQ posts. However, they are published in the uncategorized category. Posts are guaranteed for one year. They can be updated after one year for $75, and the one-year guarantee resets. Otherwise, guest posts will be ultimately redirected back to the blog category. These posts are shown in the recently published and popular blog rolls. If your article maintains high metrics, it will be adopted and maintained by indefinitely, after one year, unless you object.

Why are Guest Posts Only guaranteed for One Year?

Why guest posts are only guaranteed for one year because it's a best SEO practice; search engines don't like old, outdated content. Not to mention, having a build-up of unmanaged outdated content is like a boat anchor on a website. It slows it down, and potentially fills search results with useless content. Hopefully, you get the picture.


Purchasing a backlink on is the same price as the Standard Guest Post. This is because the backlink's value is the same as a submitted article's, with much less work. Of course, the article's topic might not align with your client, so a submitted article is the way to go.

If you have further questions or want to connect with the administrator, email



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